Projects that have been completed in 2024:
●Milled, repaved and painted the basketball courts. Replaced the fence with an “L” shaped fence. Plans to fence in the remaining two sides and add two gates.
●Playground upgrades: Removed the sand and replaced it with mulch, painted the swing set and replaced the swings. Added two concrete planters to the entry way.
●Parking lot maintenance
●Pool maintenance - items replaced: one sand filter, the fill line, both chlorine feeders, lifeguard stands, some safety equipment.
City Projects:
●Dredging project – the lakes are man-made bodies of water that were constructed to convey stormwater from the neighborhood streets. Over time, the lakes have accumulated sediment and debris. The purpose of the dredging is to restore, as much as possible, the design (storage) capacity of the lake by removing the excess sediment and debris. The dredging will help improve the water quality and stormwater flow through the lake. The project includes dredging the lake, and stabilization of outfall structures where needed. This project started with the lake located near the basketball courts in January and continued until mid-summer. Currently, they are dredging the lake across the street near Bunyan Road.
●Chimney Hill Parkway Sanitary Sewer Rehab – The project involved the installation of 60 linear feet of sewer pipe and a manhole. This project was necessary to fix the defects in the public infrastructure and to ensure compliance with the state and federal regulations.
Electronic Communications:
We have implemented an electronic communication source with our residents. What does that mean? We have created a community-wide e-mail list to send out meeting reminders, event reminders, newsletters and/or notes, etc. to our residents. Unfortunately, we are not able to e-mail invoices, violations, or meeting decisions due to our documents stating all written correspondence must be mailed via US postal service. If a homeowner requests a copy via e-mail, then of course we can provide it. This ultimately allows us to communicate with our residents more and keep everyone informed!
2025 Assessments:
The proposed 2025 budget is based off the 2.9% CPI increase from July 2024’s report. The assessments for 2025 will be $301.00, which is an $8.00 increase from 2024’s assessments. Invoices will be mailed via Truist in January 2025. Assessments are due by March 31st of every year unless otherwise stated.
Chimney Hill Declaration of Covenants, Covenant for Maintenance Assessments, Section 2: Purpose of Assessments: The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to promote the recreation, health, safety, and welfare of the residents in Chimney Hill and for the improvements and maintenance of the Common Area.
Section 3,C: The maximum annual assessment may be increased each year by not more than the increase; if any, as outlined in the Revised Consumer Price Index – U.S. City Averages. All items are published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor.

We selected a new pool company, High Sierra Pools, for pool maintenance and staffing. We had a full pool season with our pool open daily from noon-8pm. The Board also offered pool rentals available from 8pm – 11pm daily. We hosted two pool parties this year which included National Night Out. We had over 200 residents attend the June Pool Party. For National Night out, we did not have a large attendance from residents due to the weather. The 4th Police Precinct, Mounted patrol, the Virginia Beach Fire Department, Virgnia Beach Library, VB Code Enforcement and Lynnhaven River NOW joined our event.
Our goal is to have a safe, controlled, and enjoyable environment for everyone during pool season!
Our goal is to have a safe, controlled, and enjoyable environment for everyone during pool season!
Street Sweeping Information

Chimney Hill Community Association is the Master Association, which means we provide the events and the amenities to you. Community Group is the management company you would contact in regards to inspections, maintenance, trash, parking, etc.
Manager: Jackie
Direct #: 757-747-0917
Main #: 757-499-2200
E-mail -
Virginia Beach Branch:
4534 Bonney Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Is your home on the market or planning to sell?
As of July 1, 2023, Virginia law changed to require up front payment for resale disclosure packages that are required to be purchased by the seller for the buyer. Virginia Code Section 55.1-2316:“Unless provided otherwise by the association, the appropriate fees shall be paid when the resale certificate, updated resale certificate, or financial update is requested. The seller shall be responsible for all fees associated with the preparation and delivery of the resale certificate, including any fees for inspection of the unit. The requesting party shall pay any fees for the preparation and delivery of the updated resale certificate or financial update.”
Please visit our website, "forms and resources" scroll to "Resale Order Form".
Please discuss this with your realtor when selling your home.

If you do not wish to receive the Super Savors Shopping advertisements being delivered to your driveway in the yellow plastic bag, please call the automated hotline at 757-446-2533, give them your address and they will discontinue the deliveries.

Exterior Holiday lighting shall not be directed in a manner or be so bright as to create a nuisance to your neighbors. Seasonal lighting and decorations shall be permitted in Chimney Hill; however, all lights and decorations must be removed after the associated holiday has passed. Christmas lights, displays and decorations must be removed by the last day of January. Other temporary lights and displays must be removed within ten (10) days after the function or holiday that they were erected for.
Virginia Beach City Ordinance Sec. 33-13 Duty of property owners and occupants to keep abutting streets and sidewalks free of litter. All owners or occupants of real property shall maintain the sidewalks and curbs and the right-of-way up to the edge of the pavement of any public street abutting such property and one-half of abutting alleys in a clean and litter-free condition. All owners or occupants of real property adjacent to a sound wall or similar noise attenuation structure shall maintain the area between the property line and the sound wall or similar noise attenuation structure in a clean and litter-free condition. This is to include yard waste, trash, mud or sludge, newspapers, phone books, and all other foreign matter that can be washed down the Wastewater Storm Drain System. Keep the area grass edge and neatly trimmed and remove same from the sidewalks.
Exterior Holiday lighting shall not be directed in a manner or be so bright as to create a nuisance to your neighbors. Seasonal lighting and decorations shall be permitted in Chimney Hill; however, all lights and decorations must be removed after the associated holiday has passed. Christmas lights, displays and decorations must be removed by the last day of January. Other temporary lights and displays must be removed within ten (10) days after the function or holiday that they were erected for.
Virginia Beach City Ordinance Sec. 33-13 Duty of property owners and occupants to keep abutting streets and sidewalks free of litter. All owners or occupants of real property shall maintain the sidewalks and curbs and the right-of-way up to the edge of the pavement of any public street abutting such property and one-half of abutting alleys in a clean and litter-free condition. All owners or occupants of real property adjacent to a sound wall or similar noise attenuation structure shall maintain the area between the property line and the sound wall or similar noise attenuation structure in a clean and litter-free condition. This is to include yard waste, trash, mud or sludge, newspapers, phone books, and all other foreign matter that can be washed down the Wastewater Storm Drain System. Keep the area grass edge and neatly trimmed and remove same from the sidewalks.

Please be considerate and not block driveways and mailboxes. U.S. Postal Service regulations require the approach to curbside mail receptacles to be unobstructed so the carrier can serve the box without leaving the vehicle, i.e. Trash & Recycle Containers, lawn waste, bulk waste pick-up items, and automobiles. Regulations also stipulate mail receptacles and support systems shall be maintained in good condition at all times.

VB City (Code 23-48) Open Storage of Junk It is unlawful for any property owner or occupant to store
dilapidated furniture, appliances, machinery, building materials, or any other item which is rusted, wrecked, junked,
dismantled or inoperative on private property. All rubbish, trash, and garbage shall be removed from the Lots and
shall not be allowed to accumulate thereon. All owners of property within the CHCA are required to keep all
easements that abut their property clean from trash, furniture, building materials and such other items. **All owners are
responsible for keeping the area mowed and all trees, vines, shrubs plants are to be maintained in accordance with
the Associations Controlling Documents and City code.

Trash cans or other trash containers, including recycling bins, shall be stored so they are not visible from the street and neighboring properties, if possible and shall not become a nuisance or cause damage to the adjoining property. It will be your responsibility to repair and or replace any damage at your total cost. Townhome trash cans/recycling bins should be neatly placed by the house, with the lids closed and no overflow. Trash and Recycle cans are not to be put out for pick-up until the afternoon before your scheduled pick-up and will be removed from the street and/or curb and properly stored out of site. If your trash and/or recycling container is damaged or missing any parts, including the lid or wheels, must be replaced. Recycle Cans are free and your trash container comes with a 10 year warranty, if the warranty has expired, the replacement cost is $75.00 for the 95-gallon container. If repair or replacement is needed and is still under warranty, you will need to provide the serial number located on the container when calling the City Public Waste Management department at 385-4650. NOTE: Only those containers approved by the City of Virginia Beach and the Chimney Hill Community Association Board of Directors shall be used.

We are currently seeking Homeowners to volunteer for our ACC Committee. We meet the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm the meeting takes place in our clubhouse. The specific purposes for which the ACC Committee is formed is to maintain, preservation and architectural control of the individual properties and common areas within Chimney Hill Community Association. Fill out the “ACC Member Application” under “Forms and Resources” and E-mail it to
The dropbox is located at the front of the office door. You can drop off all correspondence including your HOA Assessment Payments in the form of Check, Money Order or Cashier's Check. *Please always include your name and property address so we can contact you if needed.