Mission Statement: To provide every resident in Chimney Hill with a clean, enjoyable, and desirable place to live.

Vision: To protect and positively influence property values.
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Please remember if your mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, or you have changed property managers to please update your information with our office by submitting a “Homeowner Update Form”.  All forms can be found under "Forms and Resources".  Please e-mail the form to admin@chimney-hill.net.
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2025 Assessments:

The proposed 2025 budget is based off the 2.9% CPI increase from July 2024’s report.  The assessments for 2025 will be $301.00, which is an $8.00 increase from 2024’s assessments. Invoices will be mailed via Truist in January 2025. Assessments are due by March 31st of every year unless otherwise stated.

Chimney Hill Declaration of Covenants, Covenant for Maintenance Assessments, Section 2: Purpose of Assessments: The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to promote the recreation, health, safety, and welfare of the residents in Chimney Hill and for the improvements and maintenance of the Common Area.
Section 3,C: The maximum annual assessment may be increased each year by not more than the increase; if any, as outlined in the Revised Consumer Price Index – U.S. City Averages.  All items are published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor.

Submit a request for the following VB Services
Dial 311 or visit the website: https://vb311.virginiabeach.gov/assist/servicetypes

Bulk items pick up
Streetlight out
Street sign repair
Mosquito spraying
Pothole/street repair
Sidewalk damage/repair
Yard of the month
The yard of the month program has been established to recognize the efforts of residents within Chimney Hill Community Association, whether they are Homeowners or Tenants, who demonstrate a clear and consistent desire to maintain or improve their property above normal expectations.

The Yard of the Month program has been in full swing for the 8th year in a row. Chimney Hill has awarded 98 Homeowner’s with a Yard of the Month sign & a $50 Lowes Gift Card over the course of 8 years. The end of the year and holidays are quickly approaching. We are excited because CHCA awards 1 townhome and 1 single family home prizes for participating in the holiday season lights and decorations. In addition, CHCA awards a special prize to 1 homeowner for overall best lights and decorations within the community. Please send in your nominations for holiday lights and decorations by December 13, 2024!

The ACC Committee would like to give you the recognition you deserve for creating a beautiful, well- kept yard. This is a great way to maintain property values and make the neighborhood beautiful.

You can stop by the CHCA Office to submit your recommendation located at 800 Chimney Hill Parkway Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 or e-mail your nominations to admin@chimney-hill.net. Please take note that any recommendations without a complete address will not be considered. All entries must be in by the third week of the month and will be considered for the following month.
CHCA-Chimney Hill Community Association Virginia Beach